Living With TED

Have you ever heard of TED? Thyroid Eye Disease. Maybe from the latest commercial about medication for TED? If not, you’re in the right spot. 

My Mother, 57, lives with TED, a condition that has developed from her Grave’s Disease. This disease went undetected for 52 years, 2 years into being a first time grandmother. 

Watching my mother live with this disease has been emotionally draining. Things as they once were are no longer. She is unable to drive at certain hours of the day, showing up for her granddaughters the way grandparents do, work has become harder- sometimes impossible- due to her work being solely on a computer and her quality of life in her point of view is disastrous. Her favorite hobby has always been reading. However, she has not been able to pick up a book to read in over 4 years… and she refuses audiobook because it’s just not the same. 

Recently, I drove my mom to an appointment to meet with an eye specialist as the side effects from TED have only become worse. Floating eye, double vision, watery and tired eyes. At this appointment, not only did she not get the news she was hoping for (you guess it, another referral, to another specialist… and we found out 2 weeks later he’s no longer taking new patients so we are being referred to another doctor), but I also got a deep look into just how depressed my mother has become due to this disease. 

This disease has taken so much from my mother. In her honor, and as a way to raise awareness for TED I am designing a shirt with a close friend who is a screen printed to sell, share and show her she has a huge support system. Family, friends, coworkers and anyone who wants to help raise awareness. I am also a person who enjoys meaning behind body art, therefore I have also worked with a local tattoo artist to create a tattoo that encompasses a butterfly (symbol for Grave’s Disease) with little warrior butterflies to represent her children and grandchildren. This will be a talking piece to raise awareness for a disease that has not only impacted my mother, but now myself, my brother and her grandchildren along with her coworkers, extended family and friends. 

Now that I have shared how I am going to raise awareness for my mother, those living with Grave’s & TED, what can you do? How can you raise awareness for this disease and others that impact the lives of those you love?

This microblog post was a featured post in #slowchathealth’s #microblogmonth event. You can search for all of the featured posts here. Please do follow each of the outstanding contributors on social media (including Kayla McGee, the author of this post) and consider writing a microblog post of your own to be shared with the global audience of

Pair this blog post with the following:

Love Letters to Dad by Kathy Brophy

Lyme Disease by Caroline Gajzler

How Legends Are Made by Heather Burd

Have you read the latest Book of the Month recommendation?

One thought on “Living With TED

  1. Pingback: Assumptions: My Health, My Family, and Your Students- Reflections from a Physical Education Teacher – #slowchathealth

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